By bundling commerce reporting best practices into one comprehensive model, we want to provide commerce companies with a shortcut to a data-driven decision culture – and enable easier industry benchmarking.
Our Mission
We build a team of qualified industry experts and, in online discussions and on-site workshops, create a holistic system of commerce metrics and attributes as well as KPI sets and report templates for various company types and roles.
About the Initiative
The Problem
Today, very few commerce companies work in a data-driven way. Actually, 9 out of 10 organizations don‘t even have a clearly defined system of metrics and attributes to use for reporting and analytics purposes – and there is no public standard that they could adopt. This not only prevents companies from maximizing efficiency and performance by making better, data-driven decisions, but also, it turns industry benchmarking into a huge challenge.
The Solution
We want to fill this gap and, together with experienced partners, develop a Commerce Reporting Standard that covers eCommerce, brick-and-mortar and, above all, omni-channel business models. Every commerce company will be able to access this standard and benefit from the shared best practices – independent of which technology is used for the implementation of a specific reporting and analytics solution.
The Project
To work out the Commerce Reporting Standard, we are searching for qualified industry partners who will be actively involved in the discussion and regularly meet in workshops to drive the project forward. Also, we are in search of project supporters who help with promoting the initiative and we call on everyone who is interested in taking part in the online discussions!
The Term
For us, the term “reporting” refers to data transparency in a really broad sense – not just to certain spreadsheets or PDFs that employees send to their superior. By building the project name around this term, we want to indicate our ambitious project goal: Not only define metrics and KPIs, but provide companies with a comprehensive model and knowledge base that actually enables them to establish a data-driven decision culture!
5 Main Benefits
Unified definition and calculation of metrics leads to unified communication!
Company-Internal Clarity
Guidance for retailers in establishing metrics, KPIs & reporting (purposeful performance measurement, data democracy…)
Partnership Efficiency
Common understanding within partner cooperations (e.g. performance-based service charges)
Solution Design
Support for service providers in developing customer solutions (in-system reporting in e.g. webshop, analytics projects…)
Industry Benchmarking
Shared terminology between market analysts and companies (same understanding of KPIs and their definition/calculation)
Purposeful Education
Established, teachable systematization of commerce metrics (new talent can be educated on common industry standard)
Become Part of the Initiative!
We already are a bunch of commerce reporting geeks, but we can never have enough expertise on board! Join the initiative and become a project partner or supporter to build the standard with us!
About the Initiators
Dealing with commerce companies that strive to become data-driven every day, minubo and Project A both recognized the urgent need to establish a standard for commerce reporting and joined forces to launch this initiative.
minubo is the Commerce Intelligence Company for omni-channel brands and retailers. // minubo.com
Project A
Project A is the Operational VC for early-stage companies from the digital technology space. // project-a.com
``For more than 9 years now, we at minubo have been experiencing how even leading commerce companies fight to become data-driven organizations. This is an actual problem as in today’s highly competitive markets, you won’t survive the next couple of years, if you don’t manage to establish a data-driven decision culture. It’s my personal goal to provide companies with a short-cut to that vision by finally working out a standard for commerce reporting!``Lennard Stoever - minubo